Career Services

Arkansas Job Openings

Wondering about social work salaries, resumes, job searches, legal resources, liability issues, incorporating for private practice, and other issues related to social work practice? Looking for your next job or employee? The NASW-AR Career Center is your resource for your social work career.

Malpractice Risk

Your field work puts you at risk for being sued. Lessen your risk of ethics complaints and malpractice lawsuits and protect yourself from financial devastation if you are sued. From malpractice to life insurance, NASW Assurance Services, Inc. (ASI) NASW Assurance Services, Inc. (ASI) has you covered.

Disclaimer – NASW-AR does not endorse or recommend any specific advertiser. Any negotiations made with any of the advertisers listed are strictly between that company/individual and the payee. The Arkansas Chapter publishes job listings for its members and other social workers around the state. We do not take or give out application materials, nor do we act as an employment intermediary. The accuracy or validity for the job description provided by agencies or qualifications submitted by applicants is the sole responsibility of those parties. Publication of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement or approval of any product or service advertised, or any point of view, standard, or opinion presented therein. NASW-AR is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in its publications or on its website.